I did my psychiatric rotation at Queens Hospital Center in CPEP unit, which was the psychiatric ER. My days started with reviewing patient history and attending morning rounds. Then, I had the opportunity to follow different providers to see patients. Some of the most common conditions I’ve seen were schizophrenia, depression, and bipolar. When seeing the patients with the provider, we have the chance to ask questions and assess patient’s mental status during interview. We would also help with obtaining collateral information by contacting family members/friends to get more information on patient’s conditions. Afterwards, I would type up the HPIs and send them to the providers for any feedbacks. Besides seeing patients in the CPEP, we also went to medical ER for psychiatric consults, which I enjoyed a lot. After talking to patients in the medical ED, we would discuss the case with the provider and decide the disposition of the patients. Seeing patients’ behavior and listening to their complaints really helped me solidified my knowledge about different psychiatric conditions. And my time spent in CPEP helped me realize how important this service is at reconnecting psychiatric patients to different medical or social services.