The article’s title is ECT augmentation of clozapine for clozapine-resistant schizophrenia: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. The article was published on Journal of Psychiatric Research in August 2018. This meta-analysis aims to comprehensively assess the efficacy and safety of electroconvulsive therapy augmentation of clozapine for clozapine-resistant schizophrenia. The authors searched studies in multiple databases up until December 24, 2017. They identified 18 randomized controlled trials in this meta-analysis, comprising 1769 patients. They found:
- combined ECT-clozapine treatment was superior to clozapine monotherapy regarding early symptomatic improvement and overall symptom improvement during post-ECT assessment (4-12 weeks after treatment).
- higher clozapine dose in the ECT-clozapine combination group was significantly associated with greater symptomatic improvement.
- Combined ECT-clozapine treatment works better on positive symptoms as compared to clozapine monotherapy, but not for negative or general symptom scores.
- Adverse effects: memory impairment and headache were significantly more often spontaneously reports in the ECT-clozapine group than in the clozapine monotherapy group. Less weight gain and constipation associated with ECT-clozapine group.
- No significant difference between the groups regarding salivation, leukocytopenia, drowsiness, elevated liver enzymes, nausea/vomiting, and tachycardia.
Overall, the main finding is that ECT combined with clozapine has superior efficacy to clozapine monotherapy regarding the primary and all key secondary efficacy outcomes at post-ECT assessment and endpoint assessment, and that ECT augmentation of clozapine was safe and reasonable well-tolerated.