My site evaluator is PA Gary Maida and the meeting was done virtually through Blackboard. We did two group meetings with another student who was also on her pediatric rotation. During the site evaluations, I presented 2 comprehensive history and physicals and one journal article. Since there are two students in the meetings, we quizzed each other on the drug cards we did. I found this very helpful because I got to learn a few extra drugs. PA Maida has a lot of experience in pediatrics, and he can recite the indications and side effects of the drugs that we discussed. He also pointed out some differences between pediatric and adult H&P. For pediatrics, we need to include the patient’s grade and how they are doing in school because these are important components of children’s overall well-being. PA Maida also gave feedback on the patient’s plan and commended if there is anything he would do differently. I really enjoyed the site meetings with PA Maida. I need to continue to study the commonly used drugs and commit them to memory.