FM-Site Evaluation Presentation Summary

My site evaluator was PA Fahim Sadat. During my site evaluations, I presented two of the three comprehensive history and physicals and a journal article. During our second in-person meeting, PA Sadat also quizzed us on the drug cards. There were 4 students for each site evaluation. After each patient presentation, we would start a discussion on the case as a group. For each case, we discussed new differential diagnoses, diagnostic tests, and next step management. PA Sadat would also share what his approach would be if he was the one managing the patient, which I thought was very beneficial. After my presentation, PA Sadat asked me to explain why I included certain differential diagnoses and expanded on my plan for the patient. From his feedback, I learned that I need to add more details to my assessment and plan. It should indicate what test was done to rule in/out each differential diagnosis. I also learned a lot by listening to my classmate’s presentations.

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